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Pool Remodeling Do Nots: Try To Over Appraise Your House With A Pool Remodeling

We’ve talked a lot on this blog about how a pool will enhance the look and appeal of your home, and we’ve many times told you how a new or remodeled pool can increase the value of your home, specially in South Florida, where we are blessed with hot weather almost all year long.

Now, should you DO a pool remodeling BECAUSE you’d like to pump up the value of your home, so it gets a better appraisal for a possible sale? The housing market is great right now for people that want to sell homes, so should you do it? We elaborate for you below!

Why You Should Not Do Your Pool Remodeling Yourself

Inflation is high everywhere, and the first thing you might think when planning a pool remodeling project, or any project on your house for that matter, is “I am going to do it myself!”. This might be a catastrophic decision if you decide to cut costs on professionals to do the job because “they cost too much”! We will explain you why!

Spring Pool Renovations Tips

As we enter Spring right here in South Florida, we’ve put together a few pool renovation tips that will make your older pool look brand new for the upcoming summer time. Spring has arrived and it’s once again, pool opening, upgrading and renovating season, and All Seal Exteriors is ready to give you a hand!

The 4 Recommended Pool Coping Types

If you wan to build a new pool or remodel the one you already have, it is very important to know what are the best possible material for your Pool Coping, so you can choose wisely what’s going to be the best for your particular project. Technologies in construction change from time to time, specially in recent years, so it’s best to get informed before you can tackle any project on your pool deck.

We are going to present to you here the 4 recommended pool coping types, or better, the 4 types of materials we recommend you use on your pool. This will have you make an informative decision on what to pick, and don’t forget, that our pool pros are also available to help you get rid of any questions you may have.

Also, if you want to learn more about Pool Coping, we recommend you take a look at our most recent article, with some of the facts you need to know about Pool Coping.

Now, after all that’s being said, let’s dig onto it!

All Seal Exteriors

1791 Blount Road Suite 719
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Fax: 954.227.9935
For a Free Estimate Click Here

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License #09-cp-15704-x Broward County
Duns & Bradstreet #82-734-5984
DBE, SBE, CBE (Broward County) & MBE Certified

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